PDX Future Voters
Black Educational Achievement Movement (BEAM):
Mission Statement: “The Black Educational Achievement Movement (BEAM) operates as a ‘Sankofa Village’ model. Where a collective of Black educational service providers and Black professionals in both the public and private sectors are committed to reaching back to help our youth, by challenging the insistent disregard of the hopes, dreams and achievements of Black students in the public and private classrooms. Hence, BEAM unites an intergenerational cross section of culturally-proficient community-based organizations that have bridged their years of expertise to elevate and acknowledge youth of African descent who are in pursuit of middle school, high school and post-secondary educational attainment that will prepare them for the globe marketplace.”
BEAM has helped many of Portland’s Black youth reinforce a strong community while also preparing them for the global marketplace. I know many girls who attend their event annually and have nothing but appreciation and kind words for the event.
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